Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Innovation Ecosystem #03

The second topic that I would like to discuss is leadership, because the formation of corporate or organizational culture can not be separated with the role of leadership. According to Edgar H. Schein in the "Organizational Culture and Leadership": "These dynamic processes of culture creation and management are the essence of leadership and make one realize that leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin."

So, the management style that is applied in the organization must promote the factors of organizational cultures that are supportive to innovation activities that were discussed in the previous post in this blog ("Ecosystem Innovation #02").

The traditional management approach: command control, is no longer effective to create innovation culture. Organization must learn to apply the new management style with dialogue approach and make a balance between analytic and interpretive management approach.

Want to find out more about "dialogue" in this context, you could find it in Peter M. Senge book: "Fifth Discipline".


Anonymous said...

...ini posting yg ilmiah...kalau saya paling tidak percaya dg inovasi...karena sebetulnya didunia ini tidak ada inovasi...yg ada adalah discover...karena sebetulnya semua didunia ini sdh tersedia, tinggal kapan ada yg menemukan kembali...he..he..he. SALAM

Arif Swasono said...

Pendapat filosofis yang sangat menarik, pak Djoko. Seperti Matthew E. May pernah berpendapat sebetulnya pengkategorian inovasi seperti product, process, breakthrough, discontinuous innovation atau apalah namanya malah membingungkan, yang penting adalah bagaimana menjalankan continuous improvement yang konsisten karena organisasi pasti dituntut untuk berkembang dan bertahan.

Arif Swasono said...

comment sambungan (he.. he.. kaya' sinetron aja, bersambung terus): ini yang membuat diskusi kita lebih menarik, untuk memhami bagaimana kita mengelola inovasi, discovery atau continuous improvement untuk pertumbuhan dan sustainability dari organisasi.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rif, seperti biasa , aku ra mudeng .. he..he.


Arif Swasono said...

He... he.. Kris ki iso' ae

parfum pria said...

nice info

jual notebook murah said...

ssiipp pokoke

pulsa murah said...

blog mu apik kang

alat musik said...

nice post..

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