Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Megathrust Earthquake hits Asia & Africa :(

Megathrust Earthquake - about 9 Richter scale - hits Asia & Africa, creates tsunamis - very huge seawaves up to 10 meters high - to many places, made a lot of casualities in many countries from Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Somalia and other countries. The earthquake also moved small islands as much as 20 metres, according to one expert.

"That earthquake has changed the map," US Geological Survey expert told AFP. And it also incredibly made the earth woble in its axis, so actually we're all affected by this nature's power.

Here are some Indonesian media (TV or newspaper) bank accounts available giving you opportunities to take part to help them who suffered from this disaster :
  1. Indosiar, Bank Acc : BCA, No : 001 - 304 - 00092
  2. RCTI, Bank Acc : BCA, No : 128 - 300 -7000
  3. Kompas, Bank Acc : BCA, No :012-301-6600

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